
Pohutukawa Bowl - Small - Bob Steiner

SKU: BOB025000000
Average: 4 (1 vote)
Price: US$22.04

0.48 kg


16 cm

A lovely etching is revealed once you finish your meal with this floral bowl

For those who are wondering about Bob Steiner, one can definitely say that his works are truly unique and always incorporate something endemic to New Zealand – be it culture, a plant, flower, animal or Maori design. This appreciation for Aoteroa is obvious as well as his insight to his surroundings and beyond. To know a place you must immerse yourself in it’s hold and that is what Bob does well.

For those who do not know much about New Zealand, it’s land has been cut off from the outside world for millions of years – resulting in many endemic species of flower, plant and animal. Bob captures these isolated treasures to remind us we that we should respect nature while admiring it. This nicely decorated bowl has the very special Pohutukawa tree embossed within it’s curves. The Pohutukawa is also known as the New Zealand Christmas tree – owing to it’s vibrant red flowers during summer.

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