
Shoe Spray Deodorizer - Neat Feat - 125ml

SKU: NTF006125000
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Price: US$8.44

0.22 kg

Say Goodbye To Stinky Shoes!

This Shoe Spray Deodorizer by Neat Feat will get rid of foot odor in your shoes. It has antibacterial properties to eliminate the bacteria which cause shoe odor. Neat Feat’s Shoe Spray Deodorizer is quick drying and will leave your shoes fresh and odor free. It’s great for all shoes, including open shoes, and shoes which can’t be deodorized with a powder.

Neat Feat’s Shoe Spray Deodorizer can even save shoes which have been ‘ruined’ by odor, saving you money. Because Neat Feat’s Shoe Spray Deodorizer is safe the whole family, you can eliminate that ‘feet smell’ and say goodbye to stinky shoes for good.




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Ingredients/Directions to use: 

Instructions: For best results, spray Neat Feat’s Shoe Deodorizer into the shoes at the end of the day and place in a warm place overnight. Use in conjunction with Neat Feat Cool Foot Spray, or Neat Feat Roll On Foot Deodorant.