
Flaxomega - Good Health - 300caps

SKU: GHL026300000
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Price: US$36.89

0.35 kg

Stay healthy everyday!

Good Health’s FlaxOmega Flax Seed Oil provides one of the best natural plant sources of both Omega 3 and 6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s).

EFAs are vital for health, however they are unable to be made by the body so it is important to obtain these from elsewhere such as supplements or diet.

Deficiences may occur, as modern diets are often low in EFA’s. EFAs help support the maintenance of healthy skin, brain function and joint and cardiovascular health.



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Ingredients/Directions to use: 


Adults: take 2 to 6 capsules daily or as professionally advised.

Ingredients (per capsule)

Linseed Oil (Flax) 1000mg