
Milk Stop Spray - Naturo Pharm - 25ml

SKU: NAP004025000
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Price: US$15.21

0.15 kg

Naturo Pharm has a unique, natural homeopathic remedy that helps to support the body when it comes time to wean your baby away from the breast and help dry up breast milk.

Naturo Pharm Homeopathic remedies are drug free and have no known side effects. No animals have been used in the testing of Nuturo Pharm products.



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Ingredients/Directions to use: 

Use 2 sprays per dose orally 3 or 4 times a day as required.

Contains Homoeopathic potencies of Belladonna 30c, Lac Caninum 30c and Urtica Urens 12x, 30x and 60x in:
Oral Spray - Purified water and 11% alcohol